REPORT: The Migration Crisis and the EU: Quotas as a Solution?
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7. 7. 2017
On 30 June 2017 we organized a debate on the migration crisis in Hradec Králové, from which a report is now available.

ČRo Plus: Trial in Hungary over truck deaths of 71 migrants
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23. 6. 2017
In an interview for ČRo Plus, our research fellow Michal Vít commented on the recent trial in Hungary over the death of 71 migrants.

ČRo Plus: EU approves visa-free travel for Ukrainians
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19. 6. 2017
In an interview for Čro Plus, our research fellow Michal Vít commented on the newly introduced visa-free travel into the EU for Ukrainians.

INVITATION: The Migration Crisis and the EU: Quotas as a Solution?
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18. 6. 2017
We would like to cordially invite you on the debate tackling the topic of migration and the EU, which will take place on June 30, 2017, from 16:00 at Café Náplavka (Náměstí 5. května 835, Hradec Králové).

ČT24: Election results in Britain
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15. 6. 2017
In an interview for ČT24, our research fellow Michal Vít commented on the recent parliamentary elections in Britain.

REPORT: Harmonization of EU social standards
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9. 6. 2017
On 8 June 2017 we organized a debate on the harmonization of EU social standards, from which a report is now available.

TA3: Montenegro's entry into NATO
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9. 6. 2017
Our research fellow Michal Vít was a guest on the TV3, where he commented the Montenegro's entry into NATO as the latest member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Oenergetice.cz: Jörg Jasper (EnBW): In 10 years we will think differently about flexibility
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31. 5. 2017
Our Michal Vít conducted, together with Jakub Kučera, an interview for Oenergetice.cz with an expert on energy and energy policy Jörg Jasper. They discussed the energy market and Austrian-German price zone split.

INVITATION: Harmonization of EU social standards
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29. 5. 2017
We would like to invite you to a debate on EU social standards which will take place on Thursday, June 8, from 18:30 at the Louvre Cafe Gallery (Národní 22, Praha 1).

Oenergetice.cz: Michael Kranhold (50Hertz): The Germans pay more for electricity, but are satisfied
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16. 5. 2017
Our Michal Vít conducted, together with Jakub Kučera, an interview with Michael Kranhold (50Hertz) about the electricity market and energy policy.

Czech Republic within the EU common market
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11. 5. 2017
Eurocentrum České Budějovice in cooperation with the Economic faculty of South Bohemia University organized a lecture about Czech Republic on the EU common market.

What price do Serbia and Macedonia have to pay to save the EU?
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4. 5. 2017
Michal Vít analyses, in his latest policy paper, the state of EU cooperation with Serbia and Macedonia after the closing of the Balkan route, with focus on the role of the Czech Republic within the negotiations.