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Martin Vokálek

Executive Director
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Martin Vokálek

Executive Director

Martin Vokálek holds a master’s degree in International Politics and Diplomacy from the Faculty of International Relations of the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE v Praze) and an MBA degree from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland and the Prague University of Economics and Business, Czechia. His minor was Project Management, and he has also completed courses in Management and Law at the Management Centre Innsbruck, Austria. He has participated for several years in the European Youth Parliament and the Czech Student Union, was a Vice President and Member of the Academic Senate, and has co-founded the Czech chapter of the student transatlantic think-tank European Horizons. For several years, he collaborated on the project of CERMAT, worked at the Institute of International Relations and other institutions, served as the Finance Manager at the International Sustainable Finance Centre, and was active also in the private sector.

He is currently the Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, having started there as the Office and Project Manager in 2016. He is interested in economic issues, European security and NATO, hybrid threats, war crimes and international law problematic.

TN Live | EU has approved further sanctions. They target the Russian industry and energy sector

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24. 6. 2024
European Union has approved its fourteenth package of sanctions against Russia, specifically targeting 116 additional individuals. Whom will the new package of sanctions affect the most? How effective have previous packages been so far? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, answered these questions live for TN Live.

TV Nova | Distribution of factions in the European Parliament

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19. 6. 2024
After the European Parliament elections, the elected national political parties have to split into different factions. This process is ongoing, with question marks surrounding the ANO party. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for TV Nova.

TV ZAK | The Euro elections are over. Experts commented on the results during the night at the European House

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10. 6. 2024
The interests of the Czech Republic will be represented for the next 5 years by 21 newly elected MEPs. Experts commented on the interim results of the elections during the night from Sunday to Monday at the European House on Národní třída in Prague. The election night also included a panel discussion during which the performance of the European Parliament was evaluated. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, outlined the challenges that await the new one for regional TV ZAK.

Seznam Zprávy | People experience multi-crisis, success of the far right could be greater

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10. 6. 2024
Despite the rise in support for the far right in most countries, the direction of the EU will not fundamentally change. The People's Party maintains its position as the strongest faction and gains support from centrist parties. The victory of the extreme right in the elections signals the strengthening of conservative and populist parties. However, it is expected that key issues such as the environment and migration will remain on the agenda. The election result does not signify a radical change but serves as a signal to focus on voters favoring conservative and far-right parties. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the results for Seznam Zprávy.

ČT24 | The position of the far right in the EU elections

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7. 6. 2024
Political analysts and pre-election polls predict a strengthening of the right or far right after the European Parliament elections in June. The success of the populists may be due to a change in priorities among younger voters. This group may feel overlooked and disadvantaged compared to older generations. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue.

ČT24 | Low turnout of Czech voters in European elections

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7. 6. 2024
Czechs wield significant power in Brussels, within the European Union, we rank as the ninth most populous country, placing us among the medium-sized nations. Moreover, Czechia is economically strong country. Yet, the turnout of Czech voters in European elections remains traditionally low, not only compared to other elections in the Czech Republic but also on a European scale. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed low turnout and other topics for ČT24.

TV Nova | EU elections and functioning of the European Parliament

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7. 6. 2024
What was the voter turnout in past years in the elections to the European Parliament in the Czech Republic? What are the reasons for such voter turnout? What were the most common myths spread during the campaign? Which topics were key during the Czech European elections? These and other questions were answered by Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

Deník N | Leaders of parliamentary parties debated about candidates for the European Commission

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7. 6. 2024
On Czech Television, the leaders of all parliamentary parties clashed in a debate full of crucial topics ahead of the European elections. In the end, the discussion focused on key European issues, such as the portfolio of the Czech Republic in the European Commission. The debaters also presented their favorites for candidates to the European Commission. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for Deník N.

TV Nova | What threatens the European Union?

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6. 6. 2024
Before the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, a debate was held on TV Nova among the leading figures of the seven main political parties, movements, and coalitions. Important issues such as the migration pact or the conflict in Ukraine were discussed. Martin Vokálek, Director of EUROPEUM Institute, provided an analysis for TV Nova regarding the main threats facing the European Union. | European Parliament Elections: Forecasts, Threats, Expectations

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6. 6. 2024
The elections to the European Parliament, which are taking place place from June 6 to 9, could bring significant changes to the EU's political scene. Polls suggest that there could be a strengthening of right-wing and populist parties, which could weaken current support for Ukraine and bolster Eurosceptic and pro-Russian positions. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the Ukrainian server

Střepiny | The rise of extreme right in the EU elections

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2. 6. 2024
According to latest polls, the far-right parties are expected to strengthen in the upcoming European Parliament elections. How will this change the distribution of seats in the European Parliament? Martin Vokálek, Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for the Střepiny programme on TV Nova. | Candidates' debate for the post of European Commission chief

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23. 5. 2024
With less than two weeks to go until the European Parliament elections, voters can choose their representatives with the help of a Europe-wide debate of candidates for the post of the future President or President of the European Commission. Five candidates, including the current head of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who is seeking her second mandate this year, met in the debate on Thursday. Topics discussed included defence and security, the environment and the importance of democracy. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, spoke to about the importance of the debate for Czech voters and the outcomes of the individual candidates.
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