EU MONITOR: Long-term Sustainability of Healthy Labour Market in EU Population Development, Immigration Stress, and their Impact
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24. 11. 2021
Lenka Farkačová wrote a EU MONITOR about the upcoming workforce crisis (the lack of employees not only in the case of EU countries, but also for example in the USA) and how it causes a tendency to deviate from the ideal state of long-term sustainable labour market.

VÚPSV: Approach to Taxation and Competitiveness of the Visegrad Group Countries
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31. 8. 2021
Our research associate Lenka Farkačová contributed with her article, which focuses on which Visegrad Group country has the most favorable tax environment for business entities, to the professional journal FÓRUM sociální politiky. .

POLICY PAPER: Cross-generational Cooperation in the Workplace
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17. 12. 2020
In her last policy paper, Lenka Farkačová deals with the issue of development of networks of cross-generational teams of individual EU countries, which are to serve as tools to achieve the EU’s competitive advantage in the global market.