LRT | Slovakia voted in the first round of presidential elections
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25. 3. 2024
Slovakians voted in the first round of presidential elections. The fiercest battle was between two politicians - as was expected - former Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini and opposition candidate and former foreign minister Ivan Korčok. The latter won the first round by surprising five percent diference. Slovak experts see the elections as crucial to determine the future political path of the country. Project manager of EUROPEUM Institute Kristína Chlebáková commented on the issue for Lithuanian National Radio and Television LRT.

MF DNES | Cooldown in relations between the Czech Republic and Slovakia
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11. 3. 2024
The Czech government has suspended intergovernmental consultations with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico's cabinet over differing views on the war conflict in Ukraine. Our project manager Kristína Chlebáková commented on the move for MF DNES.

E15 | Fico is "orbanising" Slovakia faster than expected. Presidential elections are the hope
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30. 1. 2024
In Slovakia, Robert Fico is preparing changes to criminal law that could seriously undermine the functioning of democracy and the rule of law. In particular, the planned abolition of the Office of the Special Prosecutor is a cause for concern. Our project manager Kristína Chlebáková assessed the situation for E15.

FLEET | Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks 2023
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19. 10. 2023
Registration for the third edition of the FLEET project is open!

Deník N: Turning East, breaking off cooperation. How Slovakia's elections could change the direction of the country
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12. 9. 2023
Kristína Chlebáková, our project manager, commented in an article for Deník N on the upcoming parliamentary elections in Slovakia. The elections will take place at the end of September and may change the foreign policy orientation of Slovakia. Some political parties, including the biggest favourite, former Prime Minister Robert Fico's Smer - Social Democracy party, are campaigning on refusing aid to Ukraine, being friendly to Russia and attacking the EU and the US.

INVITATION | Café Evropa: What does the EU do for the rights and protection of LGBT+ people?
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9. 8. 2023
We cordially invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa online series, this time on the topic "What does the EU do for the rights and protection of LGBT+ people?". The debate will take place on Wednesday 9 August.

INVITATION | EU±// Election season in Central Europe - what lies ahead for our region?
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19. 6. 2023
We would like to invite you to the next debate in the EU± series, this time on the topic "Election season in Central Europe - what lies ahead for our region?". The debate will take place online on 19 June at 18:00.

INVITATION | Café Evropa online: Car transport in Europe - how will the new EU legislation affect it?
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2. 5. 2023
We would like to invite you to another debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "Car transport in Europe - how will the new EU legislation affect it?". The debate will take place on Tuesday 2 May at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.

INVITATION | Café Evropa online: The future of energy in the Czech Republic - how to further reduce dependence on fossil fuels?
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24. 4. 2023
We would like to invite you to another debate within the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "The future of energy in the Czech Republic - how to further reduce dependence on fossil fuels?". The debate will take place on Monday 24 April at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.

REPORT | EU-PACIFIC TALKS: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Migration and demographic changes
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24. 4. 2023
Demographic developments – the “greying” of society – remain an issue across the first world; in Europe, the expansion of the welfare state and elevated standards of services has put increasing demands on productivity to maintain the prosperity that has become an integral part of the societal contract.

INVITATION | Café Evropa online: European commemoration of the Shoah and the fight against Anti-Semitism
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23. 3. 2023
We would like to invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic of "European Commemoration of the Shoah Victims and the Fight against Anti-Semitism". The debate will take place on Thursday 23 March at 16:00 online on our Facebook page.

INVITATION | Café Evropa online: EU-China relations - will the current crisis transform the relationship between the two great powers?
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10. 3. 2023
We would like to invite you to an online debate as part of the Café Evropa series, this time on the topic "EU-China relations - will the current crisis transform the relationship between the two great powers?"
The debate will take place on Monday 20 March at 17:30 online on our Facebook page.