ČT24 | Is there growing interest among young people in European politics?
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14. 5. 2024
According to the Eurobarometer survey, 91% of young people aged 15-24 believe that participation in European elections is important. How does this attitude translate into practice? Does this mean that there will be an increase in voter turnout among young people? What advantages and opportunities does the European Union offer to younger citizens? Can Brussels effectively explain the benefits of EU membership to young people? These are the questions addressed by Klára Votavová, a research fellow at EUROPEUM Institute, for the Horizont programme on Czech TV.

Chyba systému | Symbolism during EU accession and our identity in the EU
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3. 5. 2024
This year, the Czech Republic celebrates 20 years since its accession to the European Union. Klára Votavová, a researcher from EUROPEUM Institute, points out in the political podcast "Chyba systému" by Czech Radio, that the accession wasn't as carefully considered as it might seem. And the idea of returning to Europe may have been overly optimistic. This is now reflected in the attitudes of Czechs towards the EU.

Policy paper | Current EU industrial policy undermines economic convergence between old and new EU countries
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29. 4. 2024
The post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic, joined the European Union at the height of globalisation and the dominance of the so-called Washington Consensus policies. However, the global economic crisis of 2008 showed shortly afterwards that these policies had their limits. Read more in Klára Votavová's Policy Pepeu.

Analysis | Can the Czech state distribute the just transition fund? Analysis of its capacities at the national level
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26. 4. 2024
The aim of this research report is to determine, through interviews with officials and other relevant stakeholders, whether the Czech public administration has sufficient capacity and organisational capability to effectively draw down funds from the Just Transition Fund. The author of the publication is Klára Votavová, researcher at EUROPEUM Institute.

RILSA | The uncertain fate of the Green Deal for Europe ahead of the European Parliament elections
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15. 4. 2024
Farmers' protests have reminded that the measures of the Green Deal for Europe may not be politically viable for Europeans. To make climate policies politically viable, the EU should therefore focus on its commitment not to leave anyone behind in the green transition. Klára Votavová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, discusses the current development of the Green Deal for Europe and its social policy aspects in an expert publication for the Social Policy Forum.

Euractiv | Special EU fund for coal regions looks good but is costly
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20. 2. 2024
Establishing a new European fund to support coal regions may be perceived as a positive political step towards affected areas. However, the management of this fund poses challenges, not only in terms of finances but also in terms of personnel and time constraints, which could jeopardize its effective utilization. This conclusion arises from consultations with representatives of public administration and relevant regions and from their analysis conducted by Klára Votavová, member of research team at EUROPEUM.

ČT24 | Von der Leyen to run for her seconde mandate
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19. 2. 2024
The current head of the European Commission has announced that she will run for her second mandate. What are her chances of success? What are her key topics? What is she yet to focus on? And who are the other possible candidates? Klára Votavová, a researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, explains for ČT24.

Balkan Insight | Czechia: Close of 2023 a grim warning of difficult times ahead
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9. 1. 2024
Faced with multiple domestic and geopolitical challenges and a population vocally demanding change, Czechia’s unpopular government will urgently need to find new impetus if it is to stand a chance against resurgent right-wing populists. Our researcher Klára Votavová provided her expert commentary for Balkan Insight.

BLOG | Is the lack of state administration capacity preventing the effective use of the Fair Transformation Fund? A first insight into research on absorption
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12. 12. 2023
The Czech state administration is facing mistrust because of problems with civil servants and delays in social benefits. Researcher Klára Votavová examines how the administration deals with the distribution of the Fair Transition Fund, which is intended to help coal regions transition to a new economy. The CZK 42 billion goes to the Moravian-Silesian, Karlovy Vary and Ústí Regions.

BLOG | Migration and climate at the forefront of the European elections in the Czech Republic. What does our research tell us about them?
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12. 12. 2023
Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic, migration and climate are the main topics. Parties are using them to shape voters' opinions and to criticise or support European policies. Klára Votavová writes.

Euractiv | Moravian-Silesian Region wants to spend "coal billions" on big projects, but they are still risky
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22. 11. 2023
The Moravian-Silesian Region is one of the three Czech coal regions that will receive extra money from the European Union. Klára Votavová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, answered questions about the funds intended for the "special needs" of the burdened regions.

ČT24 | Meeting of V4 Presidents at Prague Castle
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22. 11. 2023
On Wednesday, 22 November, the presidents of the V4 countries met at Prague Castle. Our researcher Klára Votavová answered questions about the future of the V4 forum.