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Jovana Jović Tadić

Project Manager
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Jovana Jović Tadić

Project Manager

Jovana Jović Tadić works as a Project Manager at EUROPEUM. As a certified EU Project Manager, she is experienced in working with the EU funding programs such as CF, ERDF, ESF+,Horizon Europe, and CERV. At EUROPEUM, she is managing the projects under Green Europe and Just Europe programmes working with various grant providers.

She studied international economics, with degrees from Bocconi University in Milan and the University of Economics in Prague coupled with study programs at the American University in Dubai and the Robins School of Business in Richmond.

Her researches have been written and published in collaboration with the United Nations University and OSCE. She has received training from the European Academy of Diplomacy.

She is passionate about advocating for the rights of individuals with intellectual disabilities and exploring innovative opportunities to better support their caregivers.


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1. 6. 2026
JustGreen project aims to engage the V4 citizens in debates and other forms of public engagement around decarbonization in three areas that are intimately linked to their everyday lives: housing, transport, and the job market. The public engagement activities, along with the ancillary research, shall pinpoint specific obstacles citizens and communities encounter when implementing climate-friendly steps or adapting to the EU decarbonization policies.

Low-emission materials for the Czech automotive industry

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2. 12. 2025
The Low Emission Materials for the Czech Automotive Industry project is the fifth EUROPEUM project aimed at decarbonising the Czech automotive industry. The aim of the project for 2024/2025 is to improve understanding of material flows and regulatory barriers in the automotive sector; to transfer best practices from the international context to the Czech environment; and to identify key areas of Czech and European policies that need to be improved to enable the automotive industry to meet the challenges of decarbonisation and remain competitive.

Platform Revolution: shaping the future of work in the EU and Western Balkans

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31. 10. 2025
The Project centres around the fast development of platform work in the Western Balkans and the EU. This new phenomenon has witnessed fast growth since the pandemic, particularly with digital platforms like “Upwork”.

Prague Climate Academy

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1. 10. 2025
In 2023, the Green Europe Team of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM started a series of debates focused on communicating the topic of green transformation to the Czech public. The aim is to develop public debate and support journalists and civil society in informed discussions about climate change and climate policies. In its first year, the Prague Climate Academy focused on sustainability in transportation (decarbonizing road transport in connection with electromobility and the sustainability of transportation in Prague). In 2024, it continued with the topic of adapting cities to climate change and discussing the impacts of heatwaves on cities. The year 2025 brings the perspective of resilience, with a discussion of current trends in global temperature rise and extreme weather events, including their impacts on urban infrastructure and public health.

Green Broadcast

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31. 8. 2025
The project Green Broadcast was launched on 1 January 2025 and will be ongoing until 31 August 2025.

Impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System 2

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31. 3. 2025
This project examines the potential impacts of the EU Emissions Trading System 2 (ETS2) on Europe’s most vulnerable households, with a particular focus on mitigating risks that could lead to public resistance against the EU’s transport decarbonization policies. Its activities aim to contribute to the mainstreaming of the concept of transport poverty, its causes and solutions, in the Czech context.

New windows? Yes, with a subsidy! What is the Czechs' awareness of energy-saving housing renovation and subsidy programmes?

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5. 2. 2025
Would you like to know more about what Czechs think and do about energy efficient renovation of their homes and reducing domestic energy use? EUROPEUM invites you to join an online webinar and discuss together citizens’ experiences, how they can be motivated, what the major obstacles are, and how the state can support their efforts through subsidy programmes such as the New Green Savings. For our discussion we will present the major findings from the citizens’ consultations and focus groups both conducted in Czechia as a part of the EU funded JustGreen project.

Conference | Circularity in the Czech automotive industry: opportunities and obstacles

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17. 10. 2024
The automotive industry has long been the driving force of the Czech economy, but is currently facing fierce foreign competition and challenges in the area of decarbonisation and sustainability. Despite its strategic position in the automotive industry, the Czech Republic still lags behind its neighbours in circularity and lacks a long-term strategy for the development of the sector. How can we improve the conditions for the development of circular solutions in the automotive sector and attract key investments of the future to the Czech Republic? Come join the discussion and seek answers to these questions!
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