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Hospodářské noviny | Duty on all imports? The best option, Trump is preparing something much worse for European companies

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21. 11. 2024
In mid-November, a two-day Transatlantic Policy Forum conference was held in Prague, organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy with the support of the US Embassy in Prague. Experts at the conference discussed key topics such as the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, transatlantic relations and the impact of the outcome of the US presidential election on relations with the EU. Rem Korteweg, an expert on European trade policy from the Clingendael Institute in the Netherlands, accepted the invitation to the conference and commented for Hospodářské noviny.

Seznam Zprávy | Let's deploy forces directly to Ukraine, Bush's Pentagon man urges

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20. 11. 2024
In mid-November, a two-day Transatlantic Policy Forum conference was held in Prague, organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy with the support of the US Embassy in Prague. Experts at the conference discussed key topics such as the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, transatlantic relations and the impact of the outcome of the US presidential election on relations with the EU. Ian Brzezinski, an American expert on international relations and military affairs, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO in the George W. Bush administration, accepted the invitation to attend the conference and commented for Seznam Zprávy.

Café Evropa | Public podcast recording - Will traditional media survive the 21st century?

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17. 11. 2024
How is media created today? Do they interest the younger generation? And do the traditional ones have a chance to survive the 21st century - or will other platforms replace them? Come and discuss with our guests on the live Café Evropa podcast and celebrate 35 years of freedom of speech, so pop by Korzo Národní for the celebrations!

Debate | Democracy in Action: Unpacking the ‘Super Year’ of Elections and the Future of Election Integrity

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14. 11. 2024
This event will delve into the "super year" of elections occurring in key regions such as Taiwan, the EU´s European Parliamentary elections, the United Kingdom, the United States, Indonesia, and India. Since the critical 2016 US presidential election, the focus on election integrity has evolved from foreign interference and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to threats posed by AI models and deepfake videos. Those who meddle in elections aim to weaken democratic foundations and erode trust in government institutions and factual information.

Debate | Elections in Moldova and Georgia: What implications they bring to the EU and NATO?

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13. 11. 2024
Recent elections in Moldova and Georgia have vital local impacts and can shape both countries’ relations with the European Union and NATO. What direction will they take? How will this affect not only Europe's, but also the world’s security?

Debate | The Impact on EU Enlargement and Democracy - Case Studies from V4 Media

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13. 11. 2024
The debate summarises the outcomes of the research conducted in all four V4 countries. Focusing on V4 mainstream media, the four country studies combine both sides of news production and consumption by analysing the narratives about the future of Ukraine vis-à-vis EU accession, but also how news audiences in these four countries reflect on the most frequent topics regarding the image of Ukraine in the EU.

Commented stream of the "grilling" of the Czech candidate for EU Commissioner Jozef Síkela

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6. 11. 2024
Are you interested in how Jozef Síkela will stand up to MEPs and how he will respond to their questions? Do you want to know how the "grilling" process, or confirmation hearings of candidates before committees, works? Come to the live stream directly from Brussels and listen to our guests' commentary!

Press Release | Circular economy as a challenge for the Czech automotive industry

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24. 10. 2024
On Thursday, 17 October 2024, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with the Institute for Circular Economy INCIEN organized a conference entitled Circularity in the Czech Automotive Industry: opportunities and obstacles, in which the Czech Battery Cluster was a partner. The conference was attended by representatives of the Czech automotive industry, state administration and research organizations. The press release from the conference and presentations of the organizations can be found in the text below.

Conference | Circularity in the Czech automotive industry: opportunities and obstacles

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17. 10. 2024
The automotive industry has long been the driving force of the Czech economy, but is currently facing fierce foreign competition and challenges in the area of decarbonisation and sustainability. Despite its strategic position in the automotive industry, the Czech Republic still lags behind its neighbours in circularity and lacks a long-term strategy for the development of the sector. How can we improve the conditions for the development of circular solutions in the automotive sector and attract key investments of the future to the Czech Republic? Come join the discussion and seek answers to these questions!

Factsheet | Emission allowances for households: What is ETS2 and how to use it to our advantage

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11. 10. 2024
The extension of the emissions trading system for local heating and road transport, the so-called ETS2, is due to come into effect in 2027. ETS2 now needs to be adopted into Czech legislation under the Emissions Trading Act. In this factsheet you will find basic facts and answers to questions that the Czech public often asks. Please also see the attached materials from the organisations that contributed to the factsheet.

Press Release | RESILIENT EUROPE: A shared responsibility to strengthen democracy

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10. 10. 2024
Together with the Association for International Affairs and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, the Centre for an Informed Society has prepared a series of Resilient Europe events from 8 to 10 October 2024. This was a forum aimed at strengthening strategic communication and countering disinformation. It aimed to share best practices from different countries and learn from their successes and mistakes in strengthening democratic principles, countering authoritarianism and populism, and uniting society against divisive influences.

BLOG | Gender equality in the EU institutions: is the position of women in the Parliament and the Commission improving?

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27. 9. 2024
Despite the fact that women make up half of the population, they are still not equally represented in the key institutions of the European Union, even in leadership positions. The European Parliament and the European Commission are taking a number of steps to improve gender equality, both internally and towards the public. Adéla Gajdošíková writes in her blog what the current representation in these institutions looks like and what concrete measures they are taking.
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