Commentary: European Elections
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27. 5. 2019
Experts from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy present you with their reactions to the European Parliament elections, which took place last week.

POLICY PAPER: Untying the Gordian Knot of the Common European Asylum System: Dublin IV Reform
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24. 5. 2019
The latest policy paper by our Shang-Yen Lee and Christian Kvorning Lassen focuses on the reform of Dublin IV regulation under the Common European Asylum System and its prospects after the EP elections.

ELECTIONS COMMENTARIES: Main topics of the upcoming European Elections
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23. 5. 2019
Our experts published a series of commentaries aiming to provide the reader with an overview and general understanding of the context that the upcoming European elections will take place in.

Commentary: Summit in Sibiu
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10. 5. 2019
Vladimír Bartovic, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Louis Cox-Brusseau, Vít Havelka and Kateřina Davidová reacted to the Summit in Sibiu 2019.

INVITATION: Disinformation and fake news [Hradec Králové]
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3. 5. 2019
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, KohoVolit.eu and Demagog.cz invite you to the "Disinformation and fake news" workshop, which will take place on Thursday, 16 April from 9:30AM to 5PM in the building of the Regional Authority of the Hradec Králové Region (Pivovarské nám. 1245; room 443).

Commentary: Special European Council (Art. 50)
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9. 4. 2019
Vladimír Bartovic, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Martin Michelot and Vít Havelka present their thoughts on the prospect of a long Brexit extension (April 10).

Commentary: EUCO Meeting in March 2019
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22. 3. 2019
Martin Michelot, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Alexandr Lagazzi and Kateřina Davidová react to the EUCO Meeting held in March 2019.

Populism in Central Europe 2018
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14. 1. 2019
Together with the Austrian Society for European Politics, the Center for European Neighborhood Studies at the Central European University Budapest, the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana and GLOBSEC Policy Institute in Bratislava we jointly launched a project with the goal to examine why political and societal actors resort to an “anti-European” rhetoric. The final report from the project is now available.

Commentary: EUCO Meeting in December 2018
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14. 12. 2018
Vladimír Bartovic, Vít Havelka, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Jana Juzová, Kateřina Davidová, Martin Michelot and Zuzana Stuchlíková react to the EUCO Meeting held in December 2018.

Commentary: EUCO Meeting in October 2018
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18. 10. 2018
Martin Michelot, Vít Havelka, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Alexandr Lagazzi and Kateřina Davidová react to the EUCO Meeting held in October 2018 from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.

REPORT: Prague Climate Talks: Sustainable consumerism – the way forward?
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4. 10. 2018
On Thursday September 27, 2018, we organised the sixth event from our project Climate Talks: Sustainable consumerism – the way forward? The report is now available.

Commentary: State of the Union Address 2018
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27. 9. 2018
Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Vít Havelka, Jana Juzová, Alexandr Lagazzi and Kateřina Davidová react to Juncker's State of the Union Address 2018 from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.