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Christian Kvorning Lassen

Deputy Director & Head of Research
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Christian Kvorning Lassen

Deputy Director & Head of Research

Christian holds an MA in International Relations Studies from Aarhus University and a BA in European and History Studies from Aarhus University and University of Surrey. He has previously worked for the Royal Danish Embassy to the Czech Republic’s Political and Economics department, as well as the Forum 2000 Foundation before joining EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, where he has worked as a Research Fellow and Deputy Director, his current position.

Through his work at EUROPEUM, he has authored numerous policy papers as well as organized, managed and collaborated on numerous international projects, including several Horizon2020, Europe for Citizens and International Visegrad Fund projects, revolving mainly around migration, the rise of populism, and European integration at the nexus of green transitioning and decarbonization.

Czech Connections With EaP Autocracies – Belarus And Azerbaijan

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9. 8. 2016
Christian Kvorning Lassen's article published in Charter 97 focuses on the connections of the Czech Republic to the autocracies of Belarus and Azerbaijan.

Russian Liaisons with the Czech Republic

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19. 5. 2016
Christian Kvorning Lassen's article published in Charter 97 focuses on Russia’s involvement in Czech politics.

Future prospects of Denmark’s participation in Europol following the recent “no” to abolishing the opt-out

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18. 1. 2016
Ch. Kvorning Lassen's follow-up blog about the three major obstacles that need to be overcome before a parallel agreement can be a reality, which seems highly unlikely, as he outlined in previous post.

Scandinavian domino: Denmark follows Sweden in tightening border controls

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8. 1. 2016
Following the announcement of Sweden and Denmark to re-introduce border controls in the light of the refugee crisis, Christian Kvorning Lassen looks at the broader implications of this move and the future of the Schengen area.

COP21: a glimmer of hope amidst the gloom?

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17. 12. 2015
The COP21 climate conference in Paris has finished and brought a "historic" agreement. What are its chances to succeed? And what areas were left out of the discussions altogether? Find out in a new blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen and Kateřina Davidová.

Denmark to have a referendum on abolishing its opt-out on JHA issues

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2. 12. 2015
This Thursday, on December 3, Denmark will have a referendum on whether to replace Denmark's current opt-out option of the EU's Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) with an opt-in model or not.

Three myths about refugees, immigrants and the European refugee crisis

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19. 11. 2015
The refugee crisis has highlighted hitherto latent divisions within the EU, particularly amongst the V4 countries and Western Europe. The division is, at first glance, rooted in fundamentally differing perceptions of the crisis, giving rise to several myths whose veracity merits questioning. This blog will seek to challenge three of the most popular misconceptions about the refugee crisis.

Profit or perish? Hungary and the Czech Republic’s response to the refugee crisis

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25. 10. 2015
How politicians in the Czech Republic and Hungary react on the migration crisis? A what myths are currently related to migration in those countries? New blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen.

"Five Presidents Report" Review

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11. 8. 2015
Policy brief by Christian Kvorning Lassen discusses some of the key elements of the Five Presidents Report.
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