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Christian Kvorning Lassen

Deputy Director & Head of Research
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Christian Kvorning Lassen

Deputy Director & Head of Research

Christian holds an MA in International Relations Studies from Aarhus University and a BA in European and History Studies from Aarhus University and University of Surrey. He has previously worked for the Royal Danish Embassy to the Czech Republic’s Political and Economics department, as well as the Forum 2000 Foundation before joining EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, where he has worked as a Research Fellow and Deputy Director, his current position.

Through his work at EUROPEUM, he has authored numerous policy papers as well as organized, managed and collaborated on numerous international projects, including several Horizon2020, Europe for Citizens and International Visegrad Fund projects, revolving mainly around migration, the rise of populism, and European integration at the nexus of green transitioning and decarbonization.

RTVS: Ship with 750 people wrecked near Peloponnese, Greece detains its captain

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21. 6. 2023
At least 78 people died in the sinking of the ship off the Peloponnese peninsula and hundreds more are missing. Nine people of Egyptian nationality have been detained in Greece in connection with the sinking. They are suspected of people smuggling and face 20 years behind bars. Christian Kvorning Lassen, head of research at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, also commented on migration within the Mediterranean for RTVS.

EURACTIV.CZ | Podcast: EU builds 'Fortress Europe'. Even Ukrainian refugees haven't changed that

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19. 5. 2023
The war in Ukraine, which has caused the arrival of millions of refugees in the EU-27, has come at a time when the European Union is dealing with the reform of its migration policy. How has the experience of the refugee wave seeped into it? Our deputy director Christian Kvorning Lassen comments on this in the podcast.

POLICY PAPER | The New Pact on Migration and Asylum and the war in Ukraine: time for a paradigm shift?

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27. 2. 2023
Christian Kvorning Lassen, deputy director and head of research at the EUROPEUM, writes in his policy paper about the new pact on migration and asylum. In his article, he reminds that migration remains highly politicized.

RTV: Swedish elections: the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats win

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15. 9. 2022
What is behind the victory of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats party? What role does gang violence play in the election? And what other factors played a role in this election? Find out more in an interview with Christian Kvorning Lassen, Head of Research at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. Five scenarios of how the war in Ukraine will end. Russia's internal stability will decide, experts say

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11. 3. 2022
Christian Kvorning Lassen, Deputy Director and Head of Research at our Institute, together with other experts, spoke to the online news server and described possible scenarios of how the war in Ukraine could end. The article thus describes five possible scenarios - both the more optimistic ones for Ukraine and the less favourable ones.

 Paving the digital path in Central and Eastern Europe  - Regional perspectives on advancing digital transformation and cooperation

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29. 11. 2021
Christian Kvorning Lassen, Director of Research at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, contributed with his text on Bridging the digital gaps – a Czech perspective in a new publication titled: Paving the digital path in Central and Eastern Europe - Regional perspectives on advancing digital transformation and cooperation from Centre for European Perspective - CEP.

RTVS: Arming security forces in the context of terrorism in Norway

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18. 10. 2021
Christian Kvorning Lassen, deputy director and head of research at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the RTVS programme Rádiožurnál on the terrorist attack of 13 October 2021 in the context of arming the security forces 10 years after Anders Breivik's attack.

COMMENTARIES: State of the European Union address 2021

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15. 9. 2021
Experts from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy comment on the State of the Union address (SOTEU) given by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on 15 September 2021.

Česká televize: EU does not face a migration crisis such as the one in 2015 and 2016

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21. 6. 2021
Deputy Director and Head of Research of EUROPEUM Christian Kvorning Lassen commented on the current migration situation in the EU for the Czech Television.

Impacts of the Covid pandemic on the democracies of EU countries

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3. 5. 2021
Christian Kvorning Lassen from the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM together with Jan Kovář from the Institute of International Relations wrote a comment "Disastrous pandemic management puts the Czech Republic at a critical democratic juncture" for the EPIN Report on the impact of the COVID pandemic on EU democracies.

Aljazeera: ‘Better off here’: Returnee Czechs happy to be home after Brexit

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12. 4. 2021
Our head of research and deputy director Christian Kvorning Lassen comments on the post-brexit return of Czechs to their homeland.

COMMENTARIES: European Council meeting on 25 and 26 March

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26. 3. 2021
Experts from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy comment on the EU leaders' videosummit, which took place on 25-26 March 2021 in.
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