RTVS: Tensions between Brussels and Rome are on the rise
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17. 5. 2018
Our Alexandr Lagazzi commented for RTVS on the establishment of a new government in Italy and its draft coalition agreement.

TA3: Analyst A. Lagazzi on the formation of a new Italian government
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4. 4. 2018
Negotiations for the creation of a new government in Italy are taking quite a long time. Consultations on the possible coalitions are now beginning. What is the most likely cooperation and why?

Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks
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22. 3. 2018
Applications to our pilot edition of FLEET are now opened!

ČRo Plus: Who is the winner in the Italian election?
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5. 3. 2018
Our Alexandr Lagazzi commented for Český rozhlas on the results of Italian parliamentary elections which were held on Sunday.

RTVS: The victory of populists and eurosceptics
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5. 3. 2018
Alexandr Lagazzi commented on the results of the parliamentary elections in Italy for the Slovak Radio RTVS.

TA3: A. Lagazzi on the Italian parliamentary elections
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5. 3. 2018
What to expect on the Italian political scene after the elections? Alexandr Lagazzi reviewed the results of the parliamentary elections in Italy.

TA3: The background of Italian elections
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23. 2. 2018
Alexandr Lagazzi commented for TA3 the upcoming general election in Italy.

ČRo Plus: Italian general election still without a clear front-runner
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19. 2. 2018
Alexandr Lagazzi commented on the upcoming Italian election which will be held on 4 March.

V4 - Chinese relations: A lost opportunity or a new start?
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12. 2. 2018
Alexandr Lagazzi in his new policy brief, explores the shift of Chinese attention on the 16+1 platform, from the V4 to the Western Balkans. While analysing the current relations between China and the V4, he points out what strategy the V4 could adopt in addressing this shift.

iDNES.cz: The migration problematic dominates in the Italian election campaign, and the 'troublemaker' Berlusconi is back.
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15. 1. 2018
Our Alexandr Lagazzi in cooperation with Tomáš Jungwirth published for iDNES.cz a commentary about the upcoming parliamentary elections in Italy and its impact on migration policy.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Chinese influence in the Western Balkans
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27. 10. 2017
Our Alexandr Lagazzi and Michal Vít, in a joint policy paper, focused on Chinese foreign policy and backdoor-deals diplomacy in the Western Balkans. Following on-the-ground research on the actual implementation of investment projects in Serbia and other Western Balkans countries, the paper analyzes the impact of Chinese influence in the region.

Commentary: State of the Union Address 2017
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14. 9. 2017
Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Kateřina Davidová, Alexandr Lagazzi and Benedetta Fornaciari da Passano react to Juncker's State of the Union Address 2017 from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.