RTVS TV: Italy faces a government crisis. Today is the day of an important decision
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20. 7. 2022
Italy is facing a government crisis. What decisions can we expect from Prime Minister Draghi? Our associate research fellow Alexandr Lagazzi commented on the political situation in Italy and the expected decision options for RTVS TV.

iROZHLAS.cz: Draghi, the 'stabiliser of Italian politics', at a crossroads. He must resolve government disagreements or call early elections
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20. 7. 2022
Italy is facing a government crisis. Prime Minister Draghi has announced his resignation, but the president has not accepted the resignation. Alexandr Lagazzi, our associate research fellow, commented for iRozhlas.cz on the current political situation in Italy and the related resignation of Draghi.

Studio ČT24: Abolishing the anti-coronavirus measures in Italy
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2. 5. 2022
Our Associate Research, Alexandr Lagazzi, gave an interview to ČT24 on the end of COVID passports in Italy. The liberalization that is now coming to the Mediterranean has not escaped Italy. During the interview, Alexandr Lagazzi mentioned the COVID measures that still apply and also those that are already being abolished. In addition to the measures concerning covid passports, the restrictions on respirators were also mentioned at the interview.

ČT24: EU leaders negotiate with Chinese leadership
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4. 4. 2022
EUROPEUM Institute analyst Alexandr Lagazzi spoke in the program Studia ČT24 about the summit between the European Union and China, which dealt with mutual future relations and economic ties. The conflict in Ukraine was the main topic of discussion on the EU side. It was China's hesitant stance and reaction to economic sanctions against Russia that was addressed, as well as China's rejection of NATO.

ČT24: Removing of certain Russian banks from the SWIFT system
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28. 2. 2022
EUROPEUM Institute analyst, Alexandr Lagazzi, spoke in an exclusive program of Studio ČT24 about Italy's view not only on SWIFT and the change of their policy towards Russia but also about Italy's overall attitude towards the war in Ukraine.

TA3: The cabinet of the new Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has gained confidence in the Senate. The government is still awaiting a vote in the Chamber
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19. 2. 2021
The cabinet of the new Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi has gained confidence in the Senate. The government is still awaiting a vote in the Chamber of Deputies. The cabinet of the former head of the European Central Bank is also expected to succeed there. Alexandr Lagazzi, a research associate of the Europeum Institute, told more about this topic for Slovak television TA3.

TA3: Analyst A. Lagazzi on the formation of a new Italian government
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29. 1. 2021
Talks are under way in Italy about forming a new government. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte resigned and with him the entire government cabinet. However, the outgoing Prime Minister believes that he will be able to form the coalition again. Alexandr Lagazzi, a research associate of our EUROPEUM institute, talks more about this topic.

Analyst A. Lagazzi on Italy's entry into the second phase
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4. 5. 2020
After more than 2 months, people in Italy could return to work. Alexandr Lagazzi spoke on the Italian government's decision to further ease the pandemic restrictions.

ČRo Plus: A. Lagazzi about the impact of COVID-19 on Italy
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9. 3. 2020
In Italy, the infection has been confirmed in more than 9,000 patients, the highest number after China, where the coronavirus began to spread in December. Almost 1,200 infected have recovered from the disease. The Italian government ordered the isolation of the entire region of Lombardy and individual provinces in other areas. Quarantine is valid until the beginning of April and affects about 16 million people, ie about 1/4 of the Italian population. The impact of COVID-19 on Italy was commented by our associate Alexandr Lagazzi.

TA3: A. Lagazzi on the loss of immunity of the Italian ex-minister Salvini
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13. 2. 2020
Former Interior Minister of Italy Matteo Salvini will be stripped of immunity and can be tried. The leader of the far-right League may face up to 15 years imprisonment and up to eight years of ban on political activity. Salvini claims that he is not afraid of the process because he is proud of what he has done during his duties.

Denník N: The Sardines movement wants to show that not all Italians like populists
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20. 12. 2019
Our Alexandr Lagazzi commented, for Denník N, the Sardines movement and the possible outcomes of the Italian regional elections in Emilia Romagna

Future Leaders Europe Evening Talks 2019
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8. 10. 2019
Applications to our second edition of FLEET are now opened!