STVR | Composition of the new European Commission

How did Ursula von der Leyen manage to put together the new European Commission? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the situation for Slovakian STVR.

Ursula von der Leyen had to put the Commission together in such a way as to distribute the portfolios fairly among the member states. She had to take into account geography, for example, so that strong portfolios were not only in Western Europe, she had to take into account the size of the states and, last but not least, the political tensions within the European institutions.

In my opinion, she put it together very solidly. The composition is responsive to what the Commission needs to respond to and to what lies ahead in the following years.

Watch the full report here, timestamp: 8:58.

#Ursula von der Leyen #European Commission

Martin Vokálek
Executive Director

Expertise: Economic issues, European security and NATO, war crimes and international law problematic

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