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Policy paper | Czechia and NATO: Building a more capable, connected and credible European pillar

CEE allies are key to building the capabilities-based, European Pillar NATO needs to enact genuine burden shifting and secure the alliance’s future. Dr Benjamin Tallis shows how Czechia can build on recent progress in defense procurement and increase its influence by prioritising the six elements Euro-NATO needs: core national war-fighting capabilities, logistics, military mobility, strategic enablers, air defence and long-range strategic strike.

NATO has a clearer sense of purpose now than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has prompted a serious re-invigoration of the alliance and recognition by a broader spread of allies (and adversaries) of its true relevance and value.

The views and opinions expressed in the paper are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of EUROPEUM.

You can find the Policy paper under the PDF button.


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