Analysis | Gradual Integration Process: Towards Restoring Effectiveness And Credibility Of EU Enlargement

Discussions on further changes to the enlargement methodology may reinforce the image of EU membership as a moving target with constantly changing rules, especially as the current methodology has still not been fully applied. Within the framework of the current methodology, the European Commission should develop a new strategy that would specify its approach to the gradual integration of (potential) candidates into the EU and the conditions governing this process. The 2018 Western Balkans Strategy set out initiatives, some of which are still valid today and can serve as the basis for a new enlargement strategy. Writes Jana Juzová, Senior Research Fellow.

To restore credibility in the EU enlargement, the discussion on the introduction of QMV in intermediary stages of the process should be advanced in order to avoid its stalling due to different political reasons of individual EU member states. Furthermore, a mechanism for the resolution of bilateral issues outside of the accession process needs to be established to prevent bilateral issues from blocking the progress of candidates despite their reform efforts due to vetoes by individual EU member states

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#Analysis #Integration #Enlargement

Jana Faktor Juzová
Senior Research Fellow

Expertise: regionalism, Visegrad cooperation, democratization and European integration of the Western Balkan countries, EU enlargement

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