POLICY PAPER | In search for a more effective EU foreign and security policy: Can Central Europe seize its momentum?

"In the opening statement to the European Parliament, the President of the “geopolitical” European Commission Ursula von der Leyen stressed that Europe should have a stronger and more united voice in the world – and it needs to act fast1 . To achieve that, there needs to be a strategic vision of the EU to the world and, not the least, the political will and commitment of the member-states. One of the main obstacles to a more coherent EU foreign and security policy is the existing divisions within Europe, which are being driven, among others, by political ideologies, national agendas, regional peculiarities, and differences of threat perception. If the EU aspires to play an active role in world affairs, member states should be more prone to compromise to better harmonize their voices and actions."
The full article can be found under the PDF button.
This policy paper was prepared as part of the Think Visegrad fellowship programme in Brussels.