ČT24: European Council – Tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean and Sanctions on Belarus

On Friday, October 2, our Žiga Faktor commented for ČT24 the latest development of the European Council. The topics were the common action against Turkey and sanctions on Belarus.

"The EU decision on Turkey, issued on Friday, is a compromise between hardline states, such as Greece and France, and more moderate states like Germany. Sanctions are not yet on the agenda as Turkey is an important partner in the migration issue. Concerning the Belarus, the decision not to impose sanctions on Alexander Lukashenko stems from the fact that Lukashenko still holds powerful position and the dialogue between him and the opposition is a necessity."

You can watch the whole commentary in Czech here:

#European Council #Turkey #Cyprus #Belarus

Žiga Faktor
Deputy Director & Head of Brussels Office

Expertise: European integration of Western Balkans, EU enlargement, Slovenian Politics and EU-Turkey relations

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