INVITATION: EU± // Brexit – Who is going to lead after Brexit?

Accept our sincere invitation to a debate that will be held on Wednesday, March 27th at 6PM.


  • Kryštof Kruliš, Association for Internation Affairs, chairman of the board of the Consumer Forum
  • Vít Havelka, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

You can also find the event on Facebook.

The debate titled "Brexit – Who is going to lead after Brexit?" will take place at Skautský institut (Old Town Square 1/4, second floor):


#Brexit #Theresa May #Article 50

Vít Havelka
Senior Research Fellow

Expertise: EU institutional relations with member states, europeisation, transformation role of EU

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Prague 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552