Nikkei Asian Review: quoted in ''As CEE warms to China, experts warn of risk''

Our Alexandr Lagazzi was quoted, among other experts, in an article on Nikkei Asian Review about Chinese strategies in CEE.

An article on Nikkei Asian Review titled As CEE warms to China, experts warn of risk quoted our Alexandr Lagazzi with his contribution on Chinese strategies in CEE.

Countries of the CEE are certainly in danger of falling under the political influence of China.

Arguably, the EU as a whole would need, in the near future, to pay good attention to Chinese strategies in CEE, possibly pushing the Union to develop a unified response framework to Chinese investments in the region.

You can read the full article on Nikkei Asian Review's website.

#Nikkei Asian Review #CEE #China #political influence #FDI

Alexandr Lagazzi
Associate Research Fellow

Expertise: Diplomacy, EU foreign policy, Italy, China, International security, Terrorism, Behavioural Economics

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