Select articles from time period

BLOG | The case of Lampedusa: A humanitarian crisis in the midst of a dilemma between EU solidarity and states’ sovereignty

In September 2023, Lampedusa, a small Italian island, faced an unprecedented surge in arrivals, sparking a heated debate within the EU. With conflicting perspectives from leaders like Ursula Von der Leyen, the focus has shifted from humanitarian aid to security concerns. This blog written by Nicolas Rouillard explores the complexities of the crisis, the divergent opinions, and the critical decisions ahead that could reshape Europe's approach to migration.

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Czech Republic 2030: How to support green transformation and not throw money out the window?

On 20 November 2023, the Centre for Transport and Energy, in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, organised a conference entitled Czech Republic 2030: how to support green transformation and not throw money out the window? The conference was opened with an introduction by Josef Schwarz from the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic.

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Analysis | Gradual Integration Process: Towards Restoring Effectiveness And Credibility Of EU Enlargement

Discussions on further changes to the enlargement methodology may reinforce the image of EU membership as a moving target with constantly changing rules, especially as the current methodology has still not been fully applied. Within the framework of the current methodology, the European Commission should develop a new strategy that would specify its approach to the gradual integration of (potential) candidates into the EU and the conditions governing this process. The 2018 Western Balkans Strategy set out initiatives, some of which are still valid today and can serve as the basis for a new enlargement strategy. Writes Jana Juzová, Senior Research Fellow.

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Op-Ed | Subsidised fossil fuels are a major obstacle to solving the climate crisis. The Czech Republic and the world must confront it

One of the biggest obstacles to solving the climate crisis is fossil fuel subsidies. However, they have not received much attention in the Czech Republic. An Op-Ed on this topic was written by our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová.

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REPORT: The Round Table Electromobility And Work Opportunities: What Changes Await Us?

For the second time, experts on employment in the automotive industry and its transformation met, this time at the regional level of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The topic of labour changes in connection with decarbonisation and electromobility was discussed by representatives of automobile companies, trade unions, employers' associations, regional and state administration. The round table was organized in cooperation with Charles University, CELSI Institute, and Hyundai Nošovice. The report was written and the debate was moderated by researcher Rebeka Hengalová.

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Report: A Plan without Marshall: Getting Ready for Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction

On the 7th November, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy under Think Visegrad platform organized an expert meeting focusing on current developments regarding the reconstruction of Ukraine, both on the side of the EU through its ambitious Ukraine Facility and through the lenses of international support for Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction.

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Commentary | how to think about unanimity in the EU

With the opening of accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, the debate in the European Union on the transition from unanimity to qualified majority voting in some areas has been reignited. Although this is not a new debate, it is worth looking at the current situation, describing the problems caused by unanimity and proposing concrete solutions. For more, see Vit Havelka's commentary.

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EU-Pacific Talks: The weaponisation of information: The future of risk in the digital era?

In the second debate of the third series of EU-Pacific Talks, organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, the guests focused on the digital future. The focus was on the experiences of several countries, which provided valuable insights into their proactive approach to countering disinformation and their focus on cyber security. Read about what our guests discussed in a report written by Petra Pospíšilová, Office and Project Coordinator.

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Policy Paper | 2024 and Beyond: How to Future-proof the Transatlantic Alliance

In their analysis, researchers Danielle Piatkiewicz and Hugo Blewett-Mundy delve into the most recent obstacles confronting transatlantic security, particularly within the backdrop of Russia's war against Ukraine. They emphasize the imperative of addressing geopolitical challenges while simultaneously striving for strategic independence in economic and energy matters, all the while preserving the common democratic principles that unite these allies. The paper also anticipates the upcoming hurdles in 2024, including a significant election year and the necessity for the transatlantic relationship to fortify its determination for the future.

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Report: Impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood

On October 25th, EUROPEUM’s Brussels Office under the representation of Think Visegrad Brussels and in cooperation with Fondation Robert Schuman organized an expert discussion titled “Impact of the Russian War in Ukraine on European Security Architecture and EU’s Eastern Neighborhood”. This discussion, which was held under the Chatham House rules, gathered 19 experts from think-tanks, EU institutions, NATO and diplomats from EU Member states.

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