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When will actions follow rhetoric in climate policies?

In her blog post, Tuba Nilüfer Uğur writes about promises and actions in a fight against the climate change.
  • Climate change has become not only an existential reality globally as it poses risks to health, air pollution, food safety but also a political topic impacting elections, as evidenced from the European Parliament elections that saw remarkable levels of turnout and increased support of Green parties.
  • The ambitious commitments of the Paris Agreement are meaningless without action, and while smaller states such as Scotland & Denmark have embarked on ambitious paths, the major powers are recalcitrant.
  • However, the pressure on governments for ambitious climate policies is increasing day by day. Many citizens, activists and non-governmental organizations from around the world have started to protest against the increasing threats of climate change and the governmental inaction.

You can read the full blog post here.

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