What are the causes of low Czech voter turnout in the European Parliament elections?
Our Jana Vlčková explores, in her latest blog, the causes of low Czech voter turnout in the EP elections.
22. May 2019

- For decades, the voter turnout in the European Parliament (EP) elections has been constantly decreasing. From 61,99% in 9 member states of the then European Community in 1979, to 42,54% in 2014 in the EU-28 format. This tendency has particularly applied to the Czech Republic; the country had the 5th lowest voter turnout in both the 2004 and 2009 EP elections (28,3 % in the EU-25 and 28,22 % in the EU-27 format respectively). The Czech voter turnout in the 2014 EP elections was the second-lowest among all the EU-28 member states with 18,20%. According to the “Trends of Czechia” opinion poll from January 2019 (Trendy Česka, KANTAR for the Czech Television), only one third of respondents know that the EP elections will take place this year. What are the cardinal reasons behind these numbers?
You can reat the whole blog on BlogActiv.eu.