V4 Defence Planning And Its Lessons For Ukraine And Moldova

Martin Michelot contributed with his chapter to the publication 'Strengthening the Eastern Frontier' issued by Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democary (CEID). His chapter 'V4 Defence Planning and its Lessons for Ukraine and Moldova' examines the potential of military cooperation of Ukraine and Moldova with the V4 countries and also the possible role of the V4 countries in the integration of both countries within the structures of the western organizations. The whole chapter is set to the context of NATO-EU relations and V4-EU relations and further explores the future potential cooperation of Ukraine and Moldova with the EU and NATO.
The V4 can play an important role in devising a strategy to integrate Ukrainian and Moldovan forces in multinational exercises where V4 (full or partial) participation is planned, in order to also firmly anchor the military structures to the West.
The whole publication is available under the PDF button next to the article on the right side. You can Martin's chapter on the pages 12 to 23.