The European Agenda on Migration: missing pieces towards a common migration policy

Benedetta Fornaciari da Passano focuses on the EU common migration policy and evaluates how is the process working:
The European Agenda on Migration (EAM) was delivered by the European Commission (EC) in May 2015 with the aim of putting an end to the loss of lives in the Mediterranean. Number of deaths increased between 2014 and 2015, reaching a total number of 6.787 of missing migrants 1 in the Mediterranean.
However, the work done until today does not seem to be enough: many aspects of the EAM are still far from being implemented such as the creation of legal pathways, resettlement and relocations among the EU, current efforts have to be maintained and the EU and its Member States (MS) should put more effort to create stable and structural solutions mainly to manage incoming flows of economic migrants and refugees.
The permanent and automatic relocation mechanisms have been criticized by some MS who are unwilling to applythis rule. Sharing responsibilities among Member states alsoinvolves a proportionate distribution of refugees to prevent discrepancy and chaos which only enhance populism and
nationalism trends.
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