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Taking Stock on Future of the EU According to Macron: Perspective from the V4

Matěj Navrátil is the author of a new policy paper on the Macron’s vision of the European Union and its comparison with the V4’s idea of the European future.
  • Macron’s success in the 2017 French presidential elections halted the upsurge of Euroscepticism throughout the continent with the clearly pro-EU candidate defeating the nationalist, proponent of French exit from the Eurozone and outspoken protectionist Marine LePen. Macron’s positive campaign and optimistic vision of the EU were arguably bedrocks of his success.
  • It was clear already throughout the campaign that Macron would bring an equally energizing and positive agenda for reform at the EU’s home front and to Brussels. It did not take too long for French president to present his ideas on future of the EU’s institutional framework and France’s role in it. In his speech entitled “Initiative for Europe” delivered on the 26th of September 2017 at the Sorbonne University, Macron outlined his ambition to reinvigorate the Franco-German relationship and attempts for major reform of the EU.

Macron has nonetheless not entirely written this option off, and his discourse indicates he is willing to go down this road if necessary. However, there is another tactic that Macron could pursue: the creation of new institutional bodies within the existing Treaty framework. Such changes could take form of new institutions/agencies to be created at supranational level, in order to boost enhanced cooperation in certain policy areas without requiring any Treaty modifications.

Despite having a different view on number of issues regarding the EU’s future, the migration crisis has united the bloc of four Central European countries as no other issue ever before. Their persistent refusal to accept mandatory quota for allocating migrants has demonstrated that the V4 currently represents a force to be reckon with.

You can read the whole policy paper through the PDF button.

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