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Support for renewable energy in the V4: what went wrong?

Eliška Trmalová wrote a policy paper on the topic "Support for renewable energy in the V4: what went wrong?", which will serve as a background material for the third debate from our project 'Prague Climate Talks'. The event will take place on November 6th, 2017 at European house.

Eliška Trmalová wrote a policy paper on the topic "Support for renewable energy in the V4: what went wrong?", this paper will serve as a background material for the third debate from our project 'Prague Climate Talks'. The event will take place on November 6th, 2017 at European house.

  • The Visegrad countries - Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary - despite their differences in geography and economy share certain aspects in common when it comes to the use of renewable energy sources (RES)
  • In particular, the frequent changes in legislation and the level of government support for res are creating unstable investment environment in the countries and are hampering their chances at a more widespread use of (RES)

Renewable energy policies should focus on various sources and new technologies and thus limit the risk of an unbalanced RES mix

Download the full paper through the PDF button on the right of this article.

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