REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks: Trade relations with the Indo-Pacific
Overall, the debate focused on the diversification of global trading partners and how to achieve it. Speakers also discussed the threats associated with dependence on only a few strong countries, which can then take the position of rule makers. The whole debate was linked to the possibilities of global trade with countries that are part of the Indo-Pacific region. Writes Eliska Prostřední in her report on the debate "EU-Pacific Talks: Trade relations with the Indo-Pacific".
24. April 2023

EUROPEUM hosted another debate from the EU-Pacific talks cycle. This time our speakers Dora Francisca Jungbluth, Senior Expert, from Bertelsmann Stiftung, KAWAI Masahiro, Professor at Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo, and Jan Kovář, Deputy Research Director from Institute of International Relations discussed the trade relations with the Indo-pacific countries.
Read the full report here