Report | A wind of change? Role of Central Europe and the next EU political cycle
As the EU enters its next political cycle, role of Central European countries within the block seems to have picked up its pace. Not only have Poland, Czechia or Slovenia received ambitious Commissioner portfolios, but the region has also played an important role in the support of Ukraine and more broadly in shaping EU's political priorities for the next mandate. Yet, there is still lack of representation of these countries within the EU institutions while latest reports of Letta and Draghi barely involved any voices from the Eastern part of the EU in their research. This debate organized by Brussels Office of EUROPEUM Institute therefore summarized latest developments on the EU level and looked into the current Hungarian and upcoming Polish EU presidencies and their potential impacts on the Union.
This shift shows Central European countries are acting more proactively in shaping EU policies and seeking for new partnerships to support their role on the EU level. Furthermore, Russian war in Ukraine has elevated Central Europe’s role in the field of regional security and EU foreign policy, with Poland emerging as a key player enhancing its influence.
You can read the whole report in English under the PDF button.
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