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Policy Paper | Resilient Europe: Best Practices from Across the Continent in Building Resilient Societies

The "Resilient Europe" conference, held in Prague in October 2024, brought together leading experts from across Europe to share their experiences and best practices in dealing with threats such as Russian disinformation, hybrid warfare tactics that seek to destabilize democratic institutions and undermine public trust. This policy paper summarises the main findings of the conference into three main categories: hybrid threats, information manipulation in digital space and strategic communications. These categories encompass the wide range of measures taken by European states and institutions to ensure democratic resilience, and the paper further identifies the most pressing challenges and opportunities for future efforts. Summarised by Jonáš Syrovátka of the EUROPEUM Institute, Veronika Víchová of the Centre for an Informed Society and Nikoleta Nemečkayová of the Association for International Affairs.
31. December 2024

In recent years, Europe has faced increasing threats from Russian hybrid warfare, including malign influence, disinformation, and tactics aimed at destabilizing democratic institutions.

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