POLICY PAPER | QMV in CFSP: Impending necessity or resurfacing utopia?
Miroslava Pisklová writes about a discussion on potential broadening of the qualified majority voting (QMV) system to more of the remaining policy areas in the Council of the EU in which it is not yet used, namely the EU´s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) that has recently gained momentum. This publication aims to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of introduction of the QMV in CFSP of the EU with a focus on the potential impact on smaller member states.
14. February 2023

As identified above, the argument mainly used by smaller member states to object adoption of QMV in the CFSP area is the one of their interests getting potentially easily disregarded, resulting into being overruled in the Council by bigger member states. The imaginary division line here lies between France and Germany, both big and important EU member states, on the side of clear QMV supporters, and countries mainly of the CEE region on the other hand.
You can find the full article through the PDF button.
This policy paper was produced within the Think Visegrad in Brussels Fellowship programme.