POLICY PAPER: Czech EU presidency: Basis for a Successful Implementation
In his policy paper, Vít Havelka deals with the matter of the Czech EU presidency and what needs to be done for it to be successful.
16. December 2020

- Czech policy makers must not resort to a partisan programme of the Czech presidency. Strong antipathy between government and opposition might create a fragile political environment for the presidency
- Czech priorities must be thoroughly discussed with partners in trio, and the Czech Republic should closely coordinate its intentions with Sweden in order to counterbalance French influence
- Space of Czech initiatives will be limited due to the current phase of the EP legislative period, and the Czechs should thus focus only on particular issues that they consider vital – single market policies, environmental policies, and innovation.
- The EU presidency must be used for EU membership promotion in the Czech Republic. Importantly, there should take place high-level meetings in the Czech Republic and outside of Prague.
You can read the full paper using the PDF button on the right side.