Policy Brief: Reducing poverty in the Visegrad countries
As part of a study visit to the Brussels office of the Think Visegrad platform, a publication by Tamáš Boros was created, which focuses on the issue of poverty in the Visegrad countries. The document outlines the current situation in the region, as despite robust economic growth in the V4 countries, unemployment is still much higher than in Western Europe.
28. December 2021

Even though poverty is one of the key problems in V4 countries, there is no consensus about the way poverty should be measured. There are numerous approaches to measuring poverty today. These can be classified into two predominant types: absolute and relative measurement methods. Moreover, poverty is not only a problem for the individual affected. Securing the conditions for a dignified life is also necessary in order to help someone become a productive member of society and to help them not to depend on society.
This policy paper was produced within the Think Visegrad in Brussels Fellowship programme.
The whole article is available under the PDF button.