OUTLOOK: 2022 Czech presidency of the Council of the EU
Our senior research fellow Vít Havelka has written an OUTLOOK entitled "2022 Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU", where he analyses the future course of the Czech Presidency and the biggest challenges. In his paper, he focuses on two levels of the Presidency's work, namely the political and legislative agenda.
14. June 2022

From a historical perspective, the country has a chance to improve its negative image caused by the collapse of the Czech government during the last 2009 presidency. There is simultaneously an opportunity to help the EU overcoming challenges posed by the Russian aggression in the Ukraine. The Czech Republic has been active in its support to the Ukraine, and along with Poland and Baltics states has managed to influence Western reaction to the Russian unjustified and illegal war. The presidency might give the CEE an extra opportunity to work further in supporting the Ukraine.
The whole article is available under the PDF button.