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New Security Challenges from a Visegrad 4 Perspective

Martin Michelot and Martin Macq wrote an introductory chapter for the new IFAT's publication on the security challenges for the V4 countries.

Martin Michelot and Martin Macq wrote an introductory chapter for the new IFAT's (The Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade) publication on the security challenges for the V4 countries. The chapter wrote by our researchers focuses on the military security and military cooperation of Visegrad Four countries. The main topic for discussion is especially the dual membership of both countries in NATO and in the EU - which is trying to build-up its own military structures notably in the recent years.

The V4 cooperation, not only within the battlegroup, is undermined by unilateral initiatives and bilateral cooperation within V4 countries or between one V4 country and another actor. Certainly, this is the result of diverging interests in each of the four countries’ security agendas.

Second chapter on the topic of cyber security is written by Marta Przywala (Kosciuszko Institute), followed by chapter on migration related security issues (Viktor Marsai and Péter Kövecsi-Oláh of the Migration Research Institute in Budapest) and the last part is done by IFAT's Diána Szőke who is also an editor of the whole publication.

More information about the publication can be found here. You can download and read the whole publication in english language on the right side next to the article through the PDF button.

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