Keeping Europeans Together: Assessing the State of EU Cohesion

Vladimír Bartovic was one of the 28 national contributors to the publication, published by the European Council on Foreign Relations that focuses on assessing the state of EU cohesion. His chapter, sixth within the publication and titled ''Czech Republic: Sending mixed signals'', describes the situation of the Czech Republic.
In the Czech Republic, as elsewhere, the question of cohesion is often limited to funding from the EU budget for infrastructural and “soft” projects or to economic convergence with the rest of the Union. This limited understanding of cohesion is shared by the political elite as well as citizens. The broader meanings of cohesion suggested by the EU Cohesion Monitor – the willingness to cooperate and to act collectively towards a common purpose – are underrepresented in the public debate. Therefore, Czech citizens are not fully aware of what the European integration project entails.
Most Czech political leaders acknowledge that there is no alternative for the Czech Republic to EU membership, and that in the long term, the EU and the Czech Republic can prosper only if cohesion among EU member states is strengthened. However, they are incapable of and sometimes also reluctant about explaining this to citizens.
The whole publication can be found on ECFR's website and can be also downloaded throught the PDF button on the right.