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From Renzi with Love: Italy's Constitutional Referendum

The latest issue of the BRUSSELS MONITOR series, written by Alexandr Lagazzi, focuses on the Italian constitutional referendum proposed by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and its impact on the EU.
23. November 2016
  • Regardless of its outcome, the Italian constitutional referendum will affect Italy’s position within the EU. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi proposes to simplify the legislative process by stripping the Senate of most its role in the law-making process whilst boosting the power of the executive branch. Voters will have the opportunity to decide whether to approve or decline these substantial constitutional changes on December 4, 2016, in the third constitutional referendum of the country’s history. The aim of this paper is to analyse the proposed bill and offer a prognosis of both the outcomes of the referendum in terms of Italy’s position within the EU before the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaty in March 2017. 

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