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FES-CENS Paper Series 2017: CENS series of events in the second half of 2017

In the second half of 2017, we at CENS had the great privilege to collaborate with our partners at the Budapest Office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung to host and co-organize a series of events on key issues of contemporary Europe.
30. November 2017

In the second half of 2017, we at CENS had the great privilege to collaborate with our partners at the Budapest Office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung to host and co-organize a series of events on key issues of contemporary Europe.

This enabled us to assemble leading international experts to discuss:

  • Old and New Engines: Shifting Power and Strategic Alternatives for EU and V4 after Brexit? (9th October)

Against the backdrop of Brexit, the EU is transforming and seeking to address key challenges like the refugee crisis, reforming the Eurozone or formulating a policy towards Russia.

Short paper analysis from our Stuchlíková Zuzana - The Role and Status of the Visegrad Countries after Brexit: The Czech Republic

  • The state of democracy in Europe: Comparative retrospection and cautious prognostics. (6th November)

This international conference focused on how democracy performs within the EU.

  • The future of EU governance: the challenges of multi-speed Europe (22nd November)

The international conference analyzed experiences and lessons of existing two-speed structures (Euro, Schengen) and discussed further potential initiatives with particular regard to security, migration, competitiveness and the rule of law

Short paper analysis from our Michelot Martin: The Unbearable Heaviness of Being- a core member of the EU

You can find further information about CENS events right here. You can also download short analysis papers right here on the right side in PDF form. 

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