EU Monitor: The European Army project: the answer to the Union’s strategic shrinkage?
Rose Hartwig-Peillon wrote an EU Monitor on the topic of The European Army project: the answer to the Union’s strategic shrinkage? In this report, she focuses not only on the current defense strategy of the EU and whether the present security and defense tools are effective or not, but she also addresses the question of creating a European Army and if it could help with achieving the goal of European strategic autonomy
31. January 2022

The retreat of European troops together with the American forces during the Afghanistan evacuation, alongside the French missiles crisis and more recently the conflict in Belarus, have once again called the European Union’s defence capabilities in question. As the debate on the Union’s defence strategy is becoming more and more salient, VP/HR Josep Borrell has made the strong assessment that "Europe is in danger", at risk of a "strategic shrinkage".
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