EU MONITOR: The EU invests very little in culture but the results are visible
The European Commission proposed in May 2018 to continue implementing the Creative Europe programme even more in the next budgetary period 2021-2027. This problematics is the main topic of Karel Barták's latest EU Monitor.
15. January 2020

- The European Commission proposed in May 2018 to continue implementing the Creative Europe programme in the next budgetary period 2021-2027 with an envelope of 1,85 billion euros. Should the Member States agree, it would mean an increase of 26,5 percent compared to the current budget (2014-2020). Most of the money should go as usual to the audiovisual part of the programme (MEDIA), with emphasis on distribution of European films outside their country of origin. In the „culture“ part of the programme the draft mentions as priorities music, publishing, cultural heritage and architecture.
The European parliament has broadly welcomed the Commission proposal but insisted that the budget of Creative Europe should be doubled compared to the current programme, arriving at 2,9 billion euros. It also stressed that the Commission should do more to collect data and evaluate in more depth the impact of the programme. The interest of the ongoing dialogue about the final shape of the programme is obviously limited, as culture is only a marginal topic in EU policy making, far away from its main concerns. Culture is a fully national competence, and there are no proposals or plans to change that. The European Commission has the mandateto coordinate some cooperation in specific areas agreed by member states and to implement the above mentioned programme. Even with the proposed increase by nearly one third, the future Creative Europe would not consume more than 0,2 percent of the future seven year EU budget.
The whole article is available through the PDF button on the right side.