Czech Republic in the context of migration and integration

Our Alexandra Visnerova evaluates the Czech attitude towards the migration crisis. How has the government handled the crisis and what was the role of the Czech president? And what about the non-profit organizations and their role in handling of the phenomenon?
Despite the low numbers, the Czech government is still abjectly rejecting the quotas. Czech President Miloš Zeman expressed his main concern about the escalating terrorism in Europe, referencing to, amongst others, the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris to make his case for not accepting refugees – even though the Charlie Hebdo attack was not committed by refugees accepted during the crisis.
The goal of the Czech integration policy still remains – communication, protection of human rights, independence and dignified life for them. Also, the Asylum, migration and Integration fund (AMIF) contributed to these projects and initiatives. As previously mentioned, Czech government also contributed to help. The state created Centres for support of the integration of foreigners, supports integration projects, offers help in the educational and cultural sphere too, the Czech Republic has at least one centre per region.