Central Europe and the Refugee Question: Cooperation, not Confrontation

Policy brief created by a collective of authors for Austrian think-tank Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE) discusses individual Central European states' approach to interpreting, solving and possible taking advantage of the migrant crisis.
Authors articulate three Policy Recommendations:
To tackle the refugee and migration question a cross-border multi-level dialogue needs to be fostered not only between governments and public authorities in Central Europe, but also between civil society players and the media.
A counter-narrative has to be told offering a broader – not only security based – perspective and explaining the complexities.
In reply to the perception of a single, unsupportive Central European block the societal and historical particularities of Central European countries have to be emphasized, explaining the backgrounds and countering stigmatization.
The whole document can be downloaded by clicking on PDF button next to this article.