Café Evropa: The European Union and China – what can this superpower offer and take?
The report and a video footage from the debate ''The European Union and China – what can this superpower offer and take?'' that took place on Wednesday, December 7, are now available.
14. December 2016

The 11th debate from the Café Evropa platform called ''The European Union and China – what can this superpower offer and take?'' took place on Wednesday, December 7 at the European house. Our distinguished guests Hynek Kmoníček, Head of the President's Foreign Office, and Cyril Svoboda, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Diplomatic Academy s.r.o. discussed Chinese relations towards the European Union.
The full report, in Czech language, is available at Café Evropa's website and through the PDF button on the right. You can watch the video from the debate on the European Comission in the Czech Republic's Youtube channel.