Background paper Think Tank Forum | Green agenda in the Western Balkans
Researcher Michal Hrubý prepared a background paper on the Green Agenda in the Western Balkans in the framework of the Think Tank Forum held in the first half of October 2022. In the paper, he discusses the role of the Green Agenda itself and its future. Indeed, the so-called Green Deal is the cornerstone of the EU's climate agenda, and the Western Balkans has declared
the importance of this agreement by signing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) in 2011.
26. October 2022

"We can identify four levels of climate governance: International agreements; EU level; Member states; Sectoral stakeholders and citizens . Decarbonization is only a part of the climate story; EGD is an EU-level strategy framework based on a comprehensive set of policies. It sets specifically three main goals. Firstly, to achieve a net zero economy by 2050, not allowing to emit any greenhouse gases which cannot be offset by other means. Secondly, to decouple economic growth from resource use. Lastly, to lead a just and fair transition where no one is left behind. "
You can find the whole paper under the PDF button.