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Report | EU-Pacific Talks: Taiwan and security dimension – lessons learned, Indo-Pacific containment

13. 12. 2023
During the first debate of the third edition of the EU-Pacific Talks, organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, participants engaged in a lively debate covering various aspects of Taiwan's status. They discussed the economic, military and value drivers behind Taiwan's importance, addressing concerns about China's approach and lessons from other global conflicts such as the war in Ukraine. Read what our guests debated in this report by Adam Horry.

BLOG | EU wastes money and food: tackling food waste at EU level

12. 12. 2023
Food waste causes the production of greenhouse gases, wastes water and makes inefficient use of fertile land. In addition to its negative environmental impacts, it is also a social problem. Food is wasted despite the fact that some people are starving. The EU is trying to halve the amount of food waste by 2030 compared to 2015, but current developments suggest that this target will not be achieved. Writes Patricia Vanicka in her blog.

BLOG | Is the lack of state administration capacity preventing the effective use of the Fair Transformation Fund? A first insight into research on absorption

12. 12. 2023
The Czech state administration is facing mistrust because of problems with civil servants and delays in social benefits. Researcher Klára Votavová examines how the administration deals with the distribution of the Fair Transition Fund, which is intended to help coal regions transition to a new economy. The CZK 42 billion goes to the Moravian-Silesian, Karlovy Vary and Ústí Regions.

Report | EU - India relations: A partnership beyond trade

12. 12. 2023
The report provides a summary of a public event organized by EUROPEUM's Brussels Office, in collaboration with CEPS, as part of the Think Visegrad platform on November 27th. The event was named "EU-India relations: A partnership beyond trade." Panelists included Alica Kizekova, Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations Prague, Zsolt Trembeczki, Research Fellow at the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA), and Fanny Sauvignon, Researcher at the Foreign Policy Unit of CEPS.

BLOG | Migration and climate at the forefront of the European elections in the Czech Republic. What does our research tell us about them?

12. 12. 2023
Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic, migration and climate are the main topics. Parties are using them to shape voters' opinions and to criticise or support European policies. Klára Votavová writes.

Report | The Gender - Foreign and Security Policy Nexus: Can the EU be a Global Standard-setter?

12. 12. 2023
The report summarizes the debate held at a public event organized by EUROPEUM and GLOBSEC under the Think Visegrad platform on November 28th. The event focused on the ambitions of achieving a gender-equal Foreign and Security Policy within the EU and its potential to set global standards. The panel discussion featured insights from Jonna Neumanen, Vladislava Gubalova, and Danielle Piatkiewicz, moderated by Sofiia Shevchuk.

Looking ahead: Strategic roadmap for transatlantic unity In 2024 -Transatlantic Policy Forum in review-

12. 12. 2023
This report, based on the Transatlantic Policy Forum held in November, examines the challenges facing the transatlantic relationship in 2024 in an increasingly volatile geopolitical environment. It highlights the potential impact on the post-war international order and its democratic values. The Ukrainian counter-offensive, the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the breakdown of dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo are highlighted as critical issues. The article also looks at the friction between China and the United States over Taiwan and possible interference in Taiwan's elections.

Report | "Dictators are forced to win wars or face the end."

4. 12. 2023
Read a report from the event "Dictators are forced to win wars or face the end." At the event, Dutch journalist Yoeri Albrecht discussed the Central European perspective on Russian aggression in Ukraine. The report was written by Viktor Danek, Deputy Director.

BLOG | The case of Lampedusa: A humanitarian crisis in the midst of a dilemma between EU solidarity and states’ sovereignty

4. 12. 2023
In September 2023, Lampedusa, a small Italian island, faced an unprecedented surge in arrivals, sparking a heated debate within the EU. With conflicting perspectives from leaders like Ursula Von der Leyen, the focus has shifted from humanitarian aid to security concerns. This blog written by Nicolas Rouillard explores the complexities of the crisis, the divergent opinions, and the critical decisions ahead that could reshape Europe's approach to migration.

Czech Republic 2030: How to support green transformation and not throw money out the window?

30. 11. 2023
On 20 November 2023, the Centre for Transport and Energy, in cooperation with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, organised a conference entitled Czech Republic 2030: how to support green transformation and not throw money out the window? The conference was opened with an introduction by Josef Schwarz from the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic.

Analysis | Gradual Integration Process: Towards Restoring Effectiveness And Credibility Of EU Enlargement

30. 11. 2023
Discussions on further changes to the enlargement methodology may reinforce the image of EU membership as a moving target with constantly changing rules, especially as the current methodology has still not been fully applied. Within the framework of the current methodology, the European Commission should develop a new strategy that would specify its approach to the gradual integration of (potential) candidates into the EU and the conditions governing this process. The 2018 Western Balkans Strategy set out initiatives, some of which are still valid today and can serve as the basis for a new enlargement strategy. Writes Jana Juzová, Senior Research Fellow.

Op-Ed | Subsidised fossil fuels are a major obstacle to solving the climate crisis. The Czech Republic and the world must confront it

29. 11. 2023
One of the biggest obstacles to solving the climate crisis is fossil fuel subsidies. However, they have not received much attention in the Czech Republic. An Op-Ed on this topic was written by our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová.
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