Press releases
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Press Release | Do Czechs renovate their homes? And how popular are subsidy programmes?
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29. 1. 2025 at 13:25
On Wednesday 29 January 2025, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with the Institute of Empirical Research STEM organized a presentation of new data for the media on the topic "How will the Green Deal affect housing in the Czech Republic and how popular are the Czechs with subsidy programmes so far? Research results on the possibilities of environmentally friendly renovation of buildings in the Czech Republic."

Press Release | Circular economy as a challenge for the Czech automotive industry
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24. 10. 2024 at 11:50
On Thursday, 17 October 2024, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with the Institute for Circular Economy INCIEN organized a conference entitled Circularity in the Czech Automotive Industry: opportunities and obstacles, in which the Czech Battery Cluster was a partner. The conference was attended by representatives of the Czech automotive industry, state administration and research organizations. The press release from the conference and presentations of the organizations can be found in the text below.

Press Release | RESILIENT EUROPE: A shared responsibility to strengthen democracy
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10. 10. 2024 at 14:20
Together with the Association for International Affairs and EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, the Centre for an Informed Society has prepared a series of Resilient Europe events from 8 to 10 October 2024. This was a forum aimed at strengthening strategic communication and countering disinformation. It aimed to share best practices from different countries and learn from their successes and mistakes in strengthening democratic principles, countering authoritarianism and populism, and uniting society against divisive influences.

PES 2024 | The EU must cooperate not only militarily, but also to defend itself against cyber attacks from Russia, said Minister Dvořák at the conference
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14. 6. 2024 at 11:00
The second day of the Prague European Summit 2024 conference at the Czernin Palace was opened with a speech by Czech Minister for European Affairs Martin Dvořák. He thinks of the enlargement of the European Union as crucial. "We have to realize that the enlargement of the EU, our defense and security and the current Central European position are interconnected," he said.

Prague European Summit | "Nuclear energy must be part of the Green Deal." Ministers Lipavský and Síkela presented their priorities for the next European Commis
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13. 6. 2024 at 15:40
Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský and Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Síkela delivered speeches at the 10th anniversary of the Prague European Summit. Both responded to the ever-changing challenges facing Europe and Russia's expanding aggression, while Minister Síkela stressed the need of economical transformation.

Prague European Summit | Slovak President Čaputová warned against the rise of extremism and hatred on social media
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13. 6. 2024 at 11:40
Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová was the guest of honour at the 10th anniversary Prague European Summit. At the Czernin Palace, she received the traditional Vision for Europe Award from the Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský.

PRESS RELEASE: Reducing transport emissions: the Czech used car market offers affordable cars also in the electric vehicle category
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27. 4. 2022 at 11:10
Read the press release prepared by our researcher Michal Hrubý based on an analysis he wrote in collaboration with data analyst Šarlota Smutná from The press release describes selected findings and data on the used car and electric car market in the Czech Republic.

PRESS RELEASE: Public statement by the Friends of Free Russia and Czech civil society on Western measures and sanctions
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25. 2. 2022 at 12:55
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy joined public statement by initiative e Friends of Free Russia and Czech civil society on Western measures and sanctions against Russian violations of international law and illegal invasion on the territory of Ukraine.

Press Release: CCS4CEE Project - Building momentum for the long-term CCS deployment in the CEE region
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2. 12. 2021 at 10:20
The CCS4CEE project analyses the current state of development of CCS (carbon capture and storage) technology in Central and Eastern Europe and aims primarily at renewing the debate on CCS technology and enabling its future deployment in the region.

PRESS RELEASE: EUROPEUM has a new leadership. It will be led by experienced diplomat Zdeněk Beránek and Martin Vokálek
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30. 9. 2021 at 15:50
The EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy will be headed by a new director from October 1st. Zdeněk Beránek, who has worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served as Deputy Ambassador in Washington, has been appointed the new Director. After seven years, he replaces Vladimír Bartovic, who has been with the Institute since 1999. Also, current Deputy Director Martin Vokálek will be in a new position as Executive Director.

Press release: EU as a favorite scapegoat at the time of COVID-19 and why the truth is now more important than ever
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10. 4. 2020 at 13:18
Mauro Ferrari's alleged resignation as President of the European Research Council (ERC) relaunched the Eurosceptic debate on whether the EU failed during the coronavirus crisis. The story was eagerly taken over by the media and politicians as evidence of satisfaction and justification; satisfaction for their false narratives of the EU's lack of response and justification of their own neglect during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PRESS RELEASE: Take the Initiative
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3. 10. 2018 at 12:05
6 new European Citizens' Initiatives need your support! The European Citizens' Initiative is a tool for participatory democracy, which aims to bring together the citizens of the European Union and give them the opportunity to influence issues that directly affect their lives.