Martin Michelot's French elections spotlight
Všechny rozhovory, komentáře a publikace našeho experta na francouzskou politiku Martina Michelota seřazeny chronologicky a průběžně aktualizovány.
9. května 2017

Přečtěte si všechny rozhovory, komentáře a publikace našeho experta na francouzskou politiku Martina Michelota (včetně jeho pravidelných příspěvků France's big year – 2017 na Medium) o francouzských volbách:
- 08/08 Policy Paper: France and the V4 in a multi-speed Europe: rough times ahead?
- 14/07 How French President Macron managed to woo Trump in the City of Light
- 17/06 iRozhlas: The French are voting again, Macron's movement is leading (Czech)
- 15/06 Radio Praha: Security and Cohesion at the 3rd Prague European Summit (French)
- 23/05 RFI: Macron pledges to be tough on terrorism during Mali visit
- 18/05 MagyarNemzet: Macron's new cabinet (Hungarian)
- 15/05 Sprá Macron wants to move the Union forward. Even at different speeds (Slovak)
- 12/05 Novoye Vremya: Бонжур, месье (Russian)
- 11/05 Azattyk: Macron's victory, Syria security zones (Kyrgyz)
- 09/05 Multi-speed Europe will be, thanks to Macron, a reality. It's on the Czech Republic to judge its stance (Czech)
- 07/05 Foreign Policy: Emmanuel Macron, the Next President of France
- 07/05 Respekt: The only chance for Le Pen is that voting turnout will be low (Czech)
- 07/05 Radio Free Europe: France's Future Course Hangs In Balance Of Presidential Election
- 06/05 iRozhlas: Both Le Pen and Macron views on the EU are unclear (Czech)
- 06/05 iDnes: Le Pen is betting on personal attacks, but Macron also searched for conflicts (Czech)
- 05/05 The Cipher Brief: Emmanuel Macron: More of the Same?
- 05/05 Washington Post: France 2017: Europe’s most decisive election of the year
- 02/05 Quartz: Stop making the French election all about the EU—it’s about much more than that
- 28/04 Medium: Dear European friends, please leave us alone (just a bit)
- 28/04 RTVS: The developments of the French elections (Czech)
- 25/04 Macron is proposing a new stance on the relations with Germany as well as with the Eurozone (Slovak)
- 25/04 The Cipher Brief: Macron, Le Pen Offer France Stark Security, Defense Choices
- 25/04 NRK: Macron's substantial chance (Norwegian)
- 25/04 AFP: Jittery EU Relieved, For Now, After French Vote
- 24/04 Berlingske: Can Le Pen make the impossible? (Danish)
- 24/04 Vox: Almost everyone in French politics is working to stop Le Pen
- 24/04 Denník N: Macron has a 99% chance of victory, but uncertain times are still ahead of us (Slovak)
- 23/04 WP Wiadomości: Is Macron's victory a victory for the Poles? (Polish)
- 23/04 WP Wiadomości: Meet the new French president. Who is Emmanuel Macron? (Polish)
- 23/04 ČT24: French presidential elections 2017 (Czech)
- 22/04 Francúzsko je neisté a nervózne, tvrdí expert Martin Michelot (Slovak)
- 22/04 Atlantic Treaty Association: Atlantic Voices | Solidarity Within the Alliance
- 21/04 Capital: How false sparks ignite real fires (Bulgarian)
- 21/04 Hospodářské noviny: The French are divided and disappointed. The majority is not going to vote, or will for extremists; says political scientist (Czech)
- 20/04 Foreign Policy: Things to Watch in the First Round of French Presidential Elections This Weekend
- 20/04 Le Pen will bring chaos and instability. Czechs still admire her, says a French political scientist (Czech)
- 20/04 The French are deciding on the future of the country in the upcoming elections (Czech)
- 19/04 Vox: France’s best hope against a far-right takeover is an inexperienced former banker
- 19/04 Respekt: Regardless of who wins, I don't think the French voters would want to leave the EU (Czech)
- 12/04 WP Wiadomości: Jean-Luc Mélenchon climbs in the polls. This is bad news for the Poles (Polish)
- 12/04 Foreign Policy: Who Is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Man Now Surging in French Polls?
- 12/04 Sprá The French Chávez believes in victory in the presidential elections (Slovak)
- 10/04 Český Rozhlas: François Fillon is going into his last run, with the help of populism and Trump rhetoric (Czech)
- 21/03 Medium: What we learned from the first presidential debate
- 09/03 Internationale Politik: La Dédiabolisation
- 08/03 WP Wiadomości: Wybory prezydenckie we Francji. Kampania umoczonych (Polish)
- 03/03 RTVS: Presidential and parliamentary elections in France (Slovak)
- 02/03 GMF: The Rise of the Front National: Taking Stock of Ten Years of French Mainstream Politics
- 02/03 Medium: Fillon and the art of political suicide
- 01/02 Medium: Le Pen’s presidential program: make it rain!
- 31/01 Medium: Why Penelopegate is a catastrophe for France
- 26/01 France24: It's a family affair: France 2017 frontrunner Fillon denies phoney job claim
- 23/01 Medium: Socialist party primary: hot takes
- 20/01 RTVS: Martin Michelot commented on the return of jihadists to Europe (Slovak)
- 20/01 Medium: Can Macron win it all?
- 19/01 Foreign Policy: Divided French Left Struggles to Block Marine Le Pen
- 19/01 Medium: How far can Macron go?
- 12/01 Medium: The imperfect Socialist primaries
- 10/01 Radio Prague: Défense: vers un espace aérien commun tchéco-slovaque (French)
- 03/01 Medium: French political party primaries: cold feet
- 03/01 German Marshall Fund: What to Watch in 2017
- 16/12 Medium: What are the Socialists really voting for at the primaries?
- 09/12 Medium: The most important election you didn’t hear about
- 02/12 Medium: Hollande out: damnation in disguise for Valls?
- 01/12 Medium: Will Hollande run? And what for?
- 01/12 Foreign Policy: Au Revoir, Hollande
- 30/11 Medium: After Fillon: where does the field stand?
- 28/11 WP Wiadomości: François Fillon as a French republican primaries favourite (Polish)
- 27/11 Medium: France’s big year is around the corner — follow it with us
- 21/11 RTVS: French presidential primaries (Slovak)
- 04/11 Newsweek: France one year after (Czech)
- 29/08 ČT24 Studio 6: Who will be the next French president (Czech)