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RECOMMENDATION: National Convention on EU Affairs: Reform of the bussiness with emission license EU ETS

We bring you a summary and recommendations resulting from the National Convention on the EU on Emission License and their Trading, which took place on April 9 in the online environment and of which our institute is a guarantor.

The summary and recommendation resulting from a discussion within a platform National Convention on the EU, which took place on 9 April, were prepared by Kateřina Davidová.

The Convention addressed the expected package of changes in climate and energy legislation, the so-called Fit for 55, to help the European Union implement the newly increased target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990).

You can find the document (only in Czech) by clicking on the PDF button. 

You can watch the video with the recommendations at this link.

More information can be found on the website of the National Convention on the EU (only in Czech). 

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