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Prague European Summit

Prague European Summit serves as a platform for strategic dialogue about common responses to EU's challenges since 2015. The project is co-organized by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM and Institute of International Relations, Prague, and every year many experts on the EU topics attend the Summit.
31. December 2021

Prague European Summit connects public officials, business and NGO representatives, academics, and journalists to discuss topics such as EU leadership, security, new technologies and digital age, current economic & foreign policy challenges, or the impact of various policies and trends on the European society.  The goal of the Prague European Summit is to find common answers to the key questions in the economic, social, foreign-political, and institutional areas of the European Union. The Summit aim to recast the image of the Czech Republic as an EU member country which self-confidently yet constructively joins the strategic discussions on the course of the European Union. 

You can find more information about Prague European Summit here.

The project is co-organized by the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM and Institute of International Relations, Prague (IIR). And it was established under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic and the City of Prague.

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