V4 - Chinese relations: A lost opportunity or a new start?

The Chinese attenton has shifted from the V4 towards the Western Balkans. In its political discussions and economic cooperation with China, the V4 has moved into the background, and to the forefront came the Western Balkans. In this policy brief Alexandr Lagazzi analyses whether this has been caused by the position of the V4 within the EU, or by greater Chinese interest in the Western Balkans. Further he suggests that Chinese attention should be exploited to form a common V4 China policy.
It seems therefore that Beijing’s approach might be that of balancing its political activity (especially foreign policy) in order to compensate its stagnating economic development, instead of the previous model of diplomacy.
Andrej Babis’ ANO party winning the fall 2017 general elections and Martin Stropnicky being appointed as Foreign Minister, their respective programme of deeper integration in the EU and focus on human rights in foreign policy might again affect Chinese - Czech relations and perhaps create further opposition towards Zeman’s stances.
The complete article is available through the PDF button on the right of this article.