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Liberá Maďarsko: Opozice se probouzí.

Náš Martin Michelot hovořil na webu Liberá o probuzení maďarské opozice.
15. října 2019

Yet the Prime Minister's party remains largely dominant in rural areas and small towns, Orbán claims that it has retained the majority of votes throughout Hungary. "The loss of Budapest and the strong mobilization of citizens in the cities against the Fidesz are in themselves a defeat. But these results must be put into the national context," explains Martin Michelot, deputy director of the think tank Europeum and associate researcher at the Jacques-Delors Institute.​​​

Despite these electoral gains, the opposition's strike force remains limited. Mayors do not have much decision-making power and the Hungarian media remain largely controlled by relatives of the Prime Minister. "The heart of Viktor Orbán's power is the control of the oligarchy, the distribution of large economic markets to his allies," says Martin Michelot. All this will not be affected by the loss of the town halls."​​

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